Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 88 -- Saint John van Ruysbroeck

Today I prayed for the holy people who come into my life and have helped me learn my relationship with God, others, and myself. At age eleven Saint John van Ruysbroeck moved in with his uncle and was educated by him; his uncle was a priest in Brussels, Belgium. His mother was very pious and entered a convent. Saint John was ordained in 1317 and served as a chaplain for 26 years.

Saint John wrote about false mysticism which was in response to teachings about heresy. However, none of these writings have survived. Some of his writings have survived though including The Book of Supreme Truth and the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage.

In 1343 Saint John and his uncle retired to a hermitage. The hermitage then attracted like-minded men of Saint John's holiness and wisdom. The group founded a formal community of Augustinian canons on March 13, 1349 and John was the prior. Many people came for spiritual guidance from them, especially Saint John. He had a life of extreme austerity and continued his writing. He lived from 1293 to 1381.

"Where I assert that we are one in God, I must be understood in this sense that we are one in love."

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