Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 208 -- Blessed Bonaventure Tornielli

Blessed Bonaventure Tornielli was born around the year 1411 in Forli, Italy. He joined the Servite Order in 1448 and became known as a Bible expert. Although he was noted by his brothers for his love of contemplative silence, he became one of the greatest Servite preachers throughout southern Italy and the Papal States. He always preached on the theme of repentance. Pope Sixtus IV referred to him as the Apostolic Preacher. He served as vicar general of his Order for several years. He died on March 31, 1491 of natural causes. He was beatified in 1911 by Pope Saint Pius X.

Oh God, who didst impart to Blessed Bonaventure, the Confessor, the grace of recalling sinners to repentance, grant we beseech thee, through his merits and intercession, that we may also weep over our sins, so that, renewed in heart and will, we may serve thee faithfully until death. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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