Today we celebrate the feast day of one of my favorite saints...Saint Joseph. He has been an integral part of my life...attending Saint Joseph Parish, Saint Joseph School, and Saint Joseph College. He is the model of what a good man and father should be.
He is the descendant of the house of David. He was carpenter by trade and Jesus followed in his footsteps. There are no words recorded of him in Scripture. He was a quiet man. He was the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and adoptive father of Jesus Christ. He received visions from God to reveal God's plan for all of humanity. Saint Joseph is noted for his willingness to get up immediately and follow what God told him to do. His name means "whom the Lord adds."
Saint Joseph is the patron of many things, but the one that I learned today and which will help me and I will pray to him for is "against doubt and hesitation."
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary, be with us this day. You protected and cherished the Virgin; loving the Child Jesus as your Son, you rescued Him from the danger of death. Defend the Church, the household of God, purchased by the blood of Christ. Guardian of the Holy Family, be with us in our trials. May your prayers obtain for us the strength to flee from error and wrestle with the powers of corruption so that in life we may grow in holiness and in death rejoice in the crown of victory. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for the Whole Church
O Glorious Saint Joseph, you were chosen by God to be the foster father of Jesus, the most pure spouse of Mary, ever Virgin, and the head of the Holy Family. You have been chosen by Christ's Vicar as the heavenly Patron and Protector of the Church founded by Christ. Protect the Sovereign Pontiff and all bishops and priests united with him. Be the protector of all who labor for souls amid the trials and tribulations of this life; and grant that all peoples of the world may be docile to the Church without which there is no salvation. Dear Saint Joseph, accept the offering I make to you. Be my father, protector, and guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me purity of heart and a love for the spiritual life. After you example, let all my actions be directed to the greater glory of God, in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and your own paternal heart. Finally, pray for me that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
O Blessed Saint Joseph, faithful guardian and protector of virgins, to whom God entrusted Jesus and Mary, I implore you by the love which you did bear them, to preserve me from every defilement of soul and body, that I may always serve them in holiness and purity of love. Amen.
Prayer to Know One's Vocation
O Great Saint Joseph, you were completely obedient to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Obtain for me the grace to know the state of life that God in his providence has chosen for me. Since my happiness on earth, and perhaps even my final happiness in heaven, depends on this choice, let me not be deceived in making it. Obtain for me the light to know God's Will, to carry it out faithfully, and to choose the vocation which will lead me to a happy eternity.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Protection
Gracious Saint Joseph, protect me and my family from all evil as you did the Holy Family. Kindly keep us ever united in the love of Christ, ever fervent in imitation of the virtue of our Blessed Lady, your sinless spouse, and always faithful in devotion to you. Amen.
"A spirituality must be lived that will help believers to sanctify themselves through their work, imitating St. Joseph, who every day had to provide for the needs of the Holy Family with his hands…. Contemplating this great saint, may Christians learn to witness in all labor realms the love of Christ, source of true solidarity and stable peace." -Pope Benedict XVI
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