Saint Catherine of Bologna was the daughter of a diplomat born on September 8, 1413 in Bologna, Italy as Caterina dei Vigri. It has been said that her father received a vision telling him of her birth. She became a Franciscan tertiary at 14 years old. She then became a Poor Clare nun. She was the novice mistress. She established a Poor Clare convent in Bologna in 1456 and served as it abbess. She was a miracle worker, prophetess, visionary, and mystic. She was also a painter and a manuscript illuminator. She received a vision of Jesus in Mary's arms on Christmas Day. She died on March 9, 1463 of natural causes in Bologna. She was buried without a coffin or being embalmed. Her body was exhumed 18 days after her death due to miracles near her grave; the odor perfume came from it and her body was incorrupt. Her body is now in her cell in which she lived. She was canonized on May 22, 1712 by Pope Clement XI.
Dear saintly Poor Clare, so rich in love for Jesus and Mary, you were endowed with great talents by God and you left us most inspiring writings and paintings fo wondrous beauty. You were chosen as Abbess in the monastery of Poor Clares at Bologna. You did all for God's greater glory and in this you are a model for all. Make artists learn lessons from you and use their talents to the full.
"It is proper for us to exercise with true discretion all the spiritual and temporal virtues. However, when the enemy sees that he cannot impede the servant of Christ from doing good, he will seek to entice her with doing too much. So exercise all the virtues in proper measure that the weapon of true and diligent discretion may be exercised by us for our salvation and for the praise of Christ."
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