“Whatever will come my way, whether good or bad, may I accept it calmly, and always give thanks to God, who has ever shown me how I should believe in God, unfailing and without end.”
Saint Patrick is a very well-known and popular saint. He was born between the years 387 and 390 in Scotland as Maewyn Succat. Around the age of 16 he was kidnapped from the British mainland and shipped to Ireland as a slave. He was sent to the mountains and worked as a shepherd and spent much time in prayer while in the fields. After six years he had a dream in which he was commanded to return to Britain. He took that as a sign and escaped. He studied in different monasteries in Europe and became a priest and eventually a priest. Pope Celestine sent him to England then Ireland to evangelize. He was there for 33 years and converted Ireland. In the Middle Ages, Ireland became known as the Land of Saints, and during the Dark Ages, the monasteries were great places of learning in Europe as a result of Saint Patrick's ministry. Saint Patrick died between the years 461 and 164 in Saul, County Down of natural causes.
When I was in Ireland

Prayer for God's Protection and Christ's Presence
As I arise today, may the strength of God pilot me, the power of God uphold me, the wisdom of God guide me. May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me. May Christ shield me today...Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Amen.
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