Saint Hyacintha of Mariscotti was born into Italian nobility near Viterbo in 1585. She was educated in a Franciscan convent. She was a Franciscan tertiary who lived very comfortably. When she was ill and her confessor had to bring her communion, he was able to see her rooms for the first time. He was scandalized seeing the kind of life she was living and this priest told her to live more humbly. Hyacintha heeded his advice and became more humble in her dress and food, she did the most menial work in the convent, and even replaced her bed with bare boards. Over the years she developed a special devotion to the suffering of Christ and became an inspiration to the other sisters in the convent. She was the Foundress of the Oblates of Mary and dedicated to working with the aged poor. She died in 1640 and was canonized on May 24, 1807.
I couldn't help but think that he she didn't get sick and her confessor didn't bring her communion her life would not be what it was. Think of the circumstances when your life has changed you for the better. Do you have someone in your life who challenges you to do better and change your life for Christ? If not, find that person!
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