You may have heard about Saint Andre Bessette recently because he was recently canonized on October 17, 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. Brother Andre was born as Alfred on August 9, 1845 near Montreal, Canada. He was the 8th of 12 children. His father died in a work-related accident (he was a woodcutter). And his mother died of tuberculosis and at age 12 he was adopted by an uncle and he had to work for his keep. He had various job and at age 25 he applied to join the Congregation of the Holy Cross, but was initially refused, but then gained the backing of Bishop Bourget and was accepted.
Brother Andre had a special ministry to work with the sick. He was known to heal people and many sick people came to his door. His superiors were uneasy, diocesan authorities were suspicious, and doctors called him a quack. He said "I do not cure, Saint Joseph cures." At the end of this life, he was receiving 80,000 letters each year from the sick who sought his prayers and healing.
The devotion to Saint Joseph as an intercessor of those buying or selling a home was started by Brother Andre. For many years the Congregation of the Holy Cross wanted to buy land on Mount Royal, so Brother Andre climbed the steep hill to Mount Royal and planted medals of Saint Joseph. Soon after the owners relented, and that is how the devotion started. Brother Andre collected money to build a chapel; the chapel is still there.
Brother Andre died on January 6, 1937 in Montreal. More than a million people paid their respects at his funeral. His tombstone reads: Pauper, servis a humilis (a poor and humble servant)
Lord our God, friend of the lowly, you gave your servant, St. André Bessette, a great devotion to St. Joseph and a special commitment to the poor and afflicted. Through his intercession help us to follow his example of prayer and love and so come to share with him in your glory. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. St. André Bessette, pray for us!
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