In this new year let us contemplate new things, doing new things, and not just "new year resolutions." I plan on talking to new people, going to new places, and taking my prayer life to new heights with Mary as my model.
Today we honor the life of Saint Basil the Great. He was born in 329 to nobility and a pious family. His mother, father and four of his nine siblings were canonized and he was the grandson of Saint Macrina the Elder! As a child he organized famine relief. He studied in Constantinople and Athens with his friend Saint Gregory Nazianus. He ran a school of oratory and law in Caesarea. He was a great speaker and sought out often to give speeches. He was fearful that when tempted by pride it would overtake his piety, so he sold all he had, gave away the money and became a priest and monk. He founded monasteries and drew up rules for fellow monks living in the desert. He is considered the key to founding eastern monasticism as Saint Benedict of Nursia was to the west. He was bishop of Caesarea and celebrated Mass two times a day. He is a Greek doctor of the Church and Father of the Church. He died on January 1, 379 in Caesarea (modern Turkey).
"O sinner, be not discouraged, but have recourse to Mary in all you necessities. Call her to your assistance, for such is the divine Will that she should help in every kind of necessity."
Dear Saint Basil, you lived among Saints - your parents and your best friend, Gregory Nazianzen. You were an inspirer of true monastic life and a reformer of priests and laity. Help those who work for moral reform in our turbulent age. Give them a true knowledge of Jesus so they will draw all people to him. Amen.
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