"Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family."
I did not know much about Saint Angela Merici (other than she was Italian) until I read more about her and wrote my blog for today. She seems to have been a pretty incredible woman, one to model my life after.
She was a Franciscan tertiary at age 15 and she received a vision telling her that she would inspire woman in their vocations. She was born on March 21, 1474 in Desenzano, Italy. She made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and while in Crete she was struck blind. Her friends wanted her to return home, but she insisted and pressed on and visiting shrines with much devotion and enthusiasm. While on the way home, while praying before a crucifix her sight was restored at the same where she had lost it on the way to the Holy Land.
In 1535 along with a group of female students she began what would become the Institute of Saint Ursula (Ursaline Sisters). It was founded to teach children. Her first schools were in Desenazno and Brescia in Italy. She died on January 24, 1540 in Brescia. Her relics are kept there in the Church of Saint Afra and her body is incorrupt.
She is the patroness against bodily ills, illness, death of parents, also of disabled people, handicapped people, physically challenged people, and sick people.
Be sincerely kind to every one according to the words of our Lord: ‘Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart.’ Thus you are imitating God, of whom it is said: ‘He has disposed all things pleasantly.’
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