"What happiness to die a Carmelite"
Saint Maria's dying words
Saint Maria's dying words
From a very young age Saint María Maravillas de Jesús had a call to religious life. Her father was a Spanish ambassador to the Vatican and an active supporter of the Church. Saint Maria was baptized when she was eight days old. She was born on November 4, 1891 in Madrid, Spain. She was confirmed in 1896 and received her first Communion in 1902. She entered the Carmelite novitiate in Madrid in 1920 and took final vows on May 30, 1924. She became prioress of the house in 1926 and the house expanded so quickly that Mother Marvillas was sent to found another house in India, which over the years expanded to other Carmels in India. She returned to Spain in 136 in the midst of the Spanish Civil War. She and other Sisters were arrested, relocated to Madrid, and for 14 months was under house arrest and harassment.
From 1939 to 1964 she and other sisters restored and opened new houses around Spain and to unite these houses she founded the Association of Saint Teresa. One Carmel expanded with schools, houses for the poor, community halls. Mother Maraviallas was known for her dedication to prayer, the care for her younger sisters, and commitment to the Rules and spirituality to the Discalced Carmelites. She died on December 11, 1974 in the La Aldehuela monastery Madrid. She was canonized in 2003.
As I read more and more about saints from Spain, I am getting more excited of going there next year for World Youth Day. I went to WYD in 2008 and I of course was excited and had a awesome experience, but this time the feeling is different. I am closer to the Lord and allowing Him to move and act in me. I am more open to His plan and what I will discover about myself during this time and at WYD11.
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