"We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend on material success; nor on sciences that cloud the intellect. Neither does it depend on arms and human industries, but on Jesus alone."
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini is one of my favorite saints, I guess because she was the first citizen of the USA to be canonized and she is from Italy. She did so much to pioneer for women and children. She was one of thirteen children who were raised on a farm. She was born on July 15, 1850 in Lombardy, Italy. She received her education from a convent as a teacher. She tried to join that order at 18 but due to her poor health she was unable. She was asked to teach at a local girl's school and did for six years. She did end up taking religious vows in 1877 and continued to work in that orphanage until it closed in 1880. Her bishop asked her to found the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart which would care for poor children in schools and hospitals. Pope Leo XIII then sent her to the United States to carry on this mission.
She and six Sisters arrived in New York in 1889. They worked with the immigrants, especially Italians. Mother Cabrini founded 67 institutions including schools, hospitals, and orphanages in the USA, Europe, and South America. She became a United States citizen. She died on December 22, 1917 in Chicago of malaria. She was beatified on November 13, 1938 with the miracle of sight restored to a child who had been blinded due to excess silver nitrate in the eyes. She was canonized on July 7, 1946 and that miracle was the healing of a terminally ill nun.
When I went with a friend to see the Sisters in America display at Ellis Island they had a display about Mother Cabrini and all her work that she did in the USA. I find it amazing that her bishop asked her to found a religious order and then the pope sent her to the USA.
O God, through the work of Saint Frances Cabrini You brought comfort and love to the immigrants and those in need. Mary her example and work be continued in the lives of those dedicated to You. Amen.
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