To who were you Santa Claus today? I hope I was Santa Claus to my Grama today. I visited her for a little while, helped her get into bed from her wheelchair, talked to her about my days, and watched her roll her eyes at her roommate!

Saint Nicholas of Myra was who we get the term Santa Claus from. He lived in modern day Turkey (Myra, Lycia) in the 4th century. He was a priest, abbot, and bishop. Because of his generosity to the poor, was how he became associated with Santa Claus. One story is that after her heard a local man fell into hard times and was going to sell his daughters into prostitution, Nicholas went during the night and threw three sacks of gold through the window which saved the girls.
He is the patron of children and also of sailors. He was once on a voyage to the Holy Lands and a bad storm kicked up, and he prayed and the storm calmed. He is also the patron of newlyweds, judges, pilgrims, penitent murders, and many cities throughout the world. He died around the year 346 and his relics are in Bari, Italy.
But why do we have to act like "Santa Claus" only one or two days a year? Let's be Santa Clauses every day of the year!
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