"If you are what you should be, you will set the world ablaze!"
Today we honor another one of my favorite saints, Saint Catherine of Siena. One of my favorite quotes is above. This quote is on the signature of my work email. Saint Catherine was the youngest child from a large family born in Siena, Tuscany, Italy on March 25, 1347. At the young age of 6 she had a vision that Jesus appeared and blessed her. Even though her parents wanted her to marry, she became a Dominican tertiary. She was a mystic and had the stigmata. She received another vision where she was in a mystical marriage with Christ and the Infant Christ gave her a wedding ring. She was a counselor to Pope Gregory XI and Pope Urban VI. She died on April 29, 1380 from a mysterious and painful illness that came without notice and she was not properly diagnosed. She was canonized in July 1461. She was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970.
Prayer for the Gifts of Saint Catherine of Siena
God of Wisdom you made our sister Catherine burn with divine love in contemplating the Lord's passion and in serving your Church. With the help of her prayers may your people, united in the mystery of Christ, rejoice forever in the revelation of his glory, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
"To the servant of God ...
every place is the right place, and every time is the right time."
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