I chose the saint today because he is one of the patrons of World Youth Day 2011. Saint Rafael Arnáiz Barón was born in Burgos, Spain on April 9, 1911. Even though he studied architecture in Madrid and was an artistic person, he felt a call to religious life. On April 15, 1934 he became an oblate friar of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappist). He suffered from acute diabetes which forced him to leave the monastery three times, but each time he was healed and was able to return to the monastic life. He died only four years later on April 26, 1938 in Palencia, Spain. He was only 27 years old. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 11, 2009.

In addition to being one of the patrons of WYD '11 he is also the patron against diabetes.
On the day of his canonization, Benedict XVI said, “Brother Rafael, living so close to our time, continues with his example and works to offer us an attractive way, especially for young people who are not only satisfied with little, but who aspire to the full truth, to the most unspeakable joy, which is achieved through the love of God.”
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