I first learned of Saint Teresa of the Andes when a friend of mine went to Chile and she sent me a prayer card of her. It was a joy today to write about Saint Teresa and to remember my friend. I made my friend a knotted rosary bead with the colors red, white, and blue and she told me the Chilean people loved it because those are the same colors as their flag.
Saint Teresa was born on July 13, 1900 in Santiago, Chile as Juanita Fernandez Solar into an upper class family. She was devoted to Christ from a young age. She was greatly influenced by the autobiography of Saint Therese de Lisieux and she entered the monastery of the Discalced Carmelite nuns at Los Andes on May 7, 1919. She was given the name of Teresa of Jesus. She died not even a year later on April 12, 1920 at the Carmelite convent of Los Andes, Chile of typhus. She was a model for young people. She was the first Chilean and first member of the Teresian Carmel in Latin America to be beatified. At her beatification on April 3, 1987 in Santiago, her brother, Luis, was there. She was canonized on March 21, 1993 by Pope John Paul II.
"Let's love the divine little Child who suffers so much without finding consolation in His creatures. May He find a refuge in our souls, a haven where He can heal in the midst of the hatred of His enemies and a garden of delights where he can forget the forgetfulness of His friends."
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