O God, protector and lover of the humble, You bestowed on Your servant, Bernadette, the favor of the vision of Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and of speech with her. Grant that we may deserve to behold You in heaven. Amen.

Saint Bernadette of Lourdes was the oldest of six children and grew up very poor. She was born on January 7, 1844 in Lourdes, France. When she was 12 to 14 years old she was hired out as a servant. She also worked as a shepherdess. Around the time of her first Communion, on February 11, 1858, she received a vision of the Virgin Mary. She received 17 more in the next five months and was led to a spring of healing waters. She moved into the house with the Sisters of Nevers learned to read and write. They cared for the sick and at age 22, Bernadette entered their order. She was very often sick herself. She died with a prayer for Mary's aid. Since the

"I must die to myself continually and accept trials without complaining. I work, I suffer and I love with no other witness than his heart. Anyone who is not prepared to suffer all for the Beloved and to do his will in all things is not worthy of the sweet name of Friend, for here below, Love without suffering does not exist."
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