Saint Brigid of Ireland was born in County Louth, Ireland around the year 453 to a pagan Scottish king and Christian slave; her mother was baptized by Saint Patrick. Saint Brigid heard Saint Patrick preach. I chose to write about her today because when I was in Ireland in 2003 and I saw the place where Saint Patrick preached.
Saint Brigid did all she could to help those who were hungry and cold. When older, her father arranged a marriage for her, but she refused and she wanted to keep her virginity so she went to Bishop Saint Mel of Ardagh and took first vows. Saint Patrick heard her final vows. She started her first convent around the year 468 with seven nuns and at the invitation of bishops she started other convents all over Ireland. She was a great traveler, and she is the patron of travelers and sailors. She died on February 1, 523 in Kildare, Ireland or natural causes.
I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us.
I would like an abundance of peace.
I would like full vessels of charity.
I would like rich treasures of mercy.
I would like cheerfulness to preside over all.
I would like Jesus to be present.
I would like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us.
I would like the friends of Heaven to be gathered around us from all parts.
I would like myself to be a rent payer to the Lord; that I should suffer distress, that he would bestow a good blessing upon me.
I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings.
I would like to be watching Heaven’s family drinking it through all eternity.
-Saint Brigid
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