We may be familiar with today's saint: Saint Agatha of Sicily (not to be confused with Saint Agatha of Hildegard of Carinthia who's feast day we also honor today). Saint Agatha was born in prison in either Catania or Palermo, Sicily (sources vary) and little reliable information is available about this martyr from the 3rd century. Her name means 'good' and is included in the canon of the Mass. When she was still young, Saint Agatha consecrated her life to God. During edicts against Christians, Saint Agatha was handed over to a brothel, but she refused to accept customers. When she rejected Quinctianus’s advances, she was beaten, imprisoned, tortured and her breasts where crushed and cut off. She told the judge “Cruel man, have you forgotten your mother and the breast that nourished you, that you dare to mutilate me this way?” One version is that Saint Peter healed her. She was imprisoned again and rolled on hot coals. When she was near death, and earthquake struck. After the earthquake the magistrate fled and she thanked God for an end to her pain and she died around the year 250 in Catania, Sicily.
"Jesus Christ, Lord of all, You see my heart, You know my desired. Possess all that I am. I am Your sheep; make me worthy to overcome the devil"
"Lord, my creator, you have protected me since I was in the cradle. You have taken me from the love of the world and given me patience to suffer. Now receive my spirit."
Dear Virgin and Martyr, whom the Church recalls in her liturgy, you heroically resisted the temptations of a degenerate ruler. Subjected to long and horrible tortures, you remained faithful to your heavenly Spouse. Saint Peter, we are told, gave you some solace and so you are invoked by nurses. Encourage them to see Christ in the sick and to render true service to them. Amen.
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