I first heard about Saint Teresa of the Andes when a friend traveled to Chile and sent me a prayer card back. Saint Teresa was born on July 13, 1900 in Santiago, Chile as Juanita Fernandez Solar. She was born to an upper class family and she was devoted to Christ. She was influenced greatly by Saint Therese de Lisieux. She entered the monastery of the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Los Andes on May 7, 1919 and was given the name of Teresa of Jesus. She died only a year later of typhus on April 12, 1920 in the convent of Los Andes. She is the first Chilean and first member of the Teresian Carmel in Latin America to be beatified. She is a model and patron for young people. She was beatified in Santiago, Chile in 1987 and her brother Luis was in attendance. She was canonized on March 21, 1993.
"Be disposed to follow Jesus wherever He wants. He chose poverty, humiliations, the cross. Will I not also receive these gifts since He created me, preserves me in life and has freed me from Hell? Still better, He has suffered for thirty years all kinds of pain in order to finally die on the cross as the most foul of men, and I would not want to suffer anything for His love?"
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