I first heard about Saint Maria Goretti on my Cursillo weekend in November 2003. She was our table saint. I remember all four of us candidates at my table having a closeness to hear after we heard her story, mine most obvious is that my middle name is Maria and I am Italian.
Maria was born on October 16, 1890 in Ancona, Italy. She was a beautiful pious farm girl and one of six children. Soon after the family moved to Ferriere di Conca her father died of malaria and the family moved again to the farm in Serenelli. When Maria was 11 years old, in 1902, she was attacked by Alessandro the 19 year old farm hand. He tried to rape her and she fought and yelled that it was a sin and he would go to hell. He tried to choke her and he stabbed her 14 times. She was in the hospital for two days, she forgave her attacker, and asked God's forgiveness of him. She died on July 6, 1902 holding a crucifix and a medal of the Virgin Mary. She is considered a martyr in the Church.
While he was in prison Alessandro had a vision of Maria. He saw a garden where a young girl, dressed in white was gathering lilies. She smiled and came near him and encouraged him to accept the lilies. As he took each one, they transformed into a still white flame. Then Maria disappeared. This vision led to Alessandro's conversion and he later testified at her cause for beatification.
Another remarkable story is that when he was let out of prison, the first place he went to was Maria's mother's house. It was Christmas Eve and he asked for forgiveness. She forgave Alessandro and they had Christmas Eve dinner together. I think her mother should be up for canonization for her model of reconciliation.
Maria was canonized on June 24, 1950 by Pope Pius XII. The ceremony was attended by 250,000, the largest crowd ever for a canonization. The crowd also included her mother. This is the only time a parent has been present to witness the canonization of a child.
Maria is the patron of many things: against poverty, against the death of parents, children and young people (especially girls), poor people, and rape victims.
Maria is a model of purity and chastity that many young people today can emulate.
There is also a movie on her life, in Italian, and it is beautiful. I have seen it two times.
PRAYER Charming Saint, and true child of Mary, Mother of Jesus, you were so young but already so strong in resisting a cruel tempter and preferring to die a martyr. How greatly we need today - when chastity is often discarded - more models and intercessors like you! Multiply faithful Children of Mary for her glory and that of her Son. Amen.
PRAYER Saint Maria Goretti, strengthened by God's grace, you did not hesitate, even at the age of eleven, to sacrifice life itself to defend your virginal purity. Look graciously on the unhappy human race that has strayed far from the path of eternal salvation. Teach us all, and especially our youth, the courage and promptness that will help us avoid anything that could offend Jesus. Obtain for me a great horror of sin, so that I may live a holy life on earth and win eternal glory in heaven. Amen.
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