Today the Church celebrates the feast day of two of our first saints...Peter and Paul.
Saint Peter was born around the year 1 in Bethsaida as Simon. He was a fisherman by trade. He was the brother of Saint Andrew who led him to Christ. Jesus renamed him Peter which means "rock" to indicate that Peter would be the rock on which Jesus would build his Church. He is considered the first pope of the Catholic Church. He was martyred around the year 64 in Rome. He was crucified with his head down becuase he said he was not worthy to die in the same way as Christ.
Prayer to Saint Peter
O Glorious Saint Peter, because of your vibrant and generous faith, sincere humility and flaming love our Lord honored you with singular privileges and especially leadership of the whole Church. Obtain for us the grace of a living faith, a sincere loyalty to the Church, acceptance of all her teaching, and obedience to all her precepts. Let us thus enjoy an undisturbed peace on earth and everlasting happiness in heaven.
Saint Paul was born around the year 3 in Tarsus (modren day Turkey) as Saul. He was

Prayer to Saint Paul
Great convert and Apostle of the Gentiles, you became Christlike and knew only Christ Crucified. Though extremely learned, you relied completely on the Wisdom received from the Spirit and taught from the abundance of your heart. Instruct modern evangelists - those who preach Christ to others. Let them realize that their actions speak louder than any words they may use. Teach them to use their talents in conveying their God-given message but to rely above all on the promptings of the Spirit. Amen.
Saint Peter and Saint Paul are patron of many dioceses, cities, ailments, and occupations, but I know Saint Paul as the Patron of the Cursillo Movement.
Saint Peter, a fisherman of Bethsaida, was chosen by Christ to be the foundation stone of his Church. Saint Paul, struck down on the road to Damascus, went from being a persecutor of Christians to the Apostle of the Gentiles. They both ended their life with martyrdom in the city of Rome. Through them the Lord “gave the Church the first fruits of the Christian faith. - Blessed Pope John Paul II, on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
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