Today's saint I have chosen is one I think my mom will like because of this saying I found: "To educate the children well, we must love them, and love them all equally." Saint Marcelino Champagnat was born on May 20, 1789 Lyon, France. At age 16 he entered the seminary and he was a student with Saint John Marie Vianney. He was ordained in 1816 and in 1817 he founded the Little Brothers of Mary (the Marists) which involved boys in their late teens who had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. They also helped teach and bring the Scripture to other young men. Today there are about 5,000 Marist Brothers in 72 countries. Their slogan is "A Heart Without Borders. He died on June 6, 1840 of natural causes. He was beatified on May 29, 1955. Two cures were to Mrs. Georgina Grondin in October 1939 from a malignant tumor in Waterville, Maine and the other was on November 12, 1941 to John Ranaivo from cerebrospinal meningitis in Antsirabe, Madagascar. He was canonized on April 18, 1999 by Pope John Paul II. The investigation was in July 1976 with the cure of Brother Heriberto Weber Nellessen, in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Other quotes I liked include:
"I can never see a child....without wanting to tell him how much Jesus Christ loves him."
"All to Jesus through Mary, all to Mary for Jesus."
"To educate a child....is to make him a good Christian and a good citizen."
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