Not much is known about today's saint...Pope Saint Pontian. He was born in Rome and was made the 18th pope in the year 230. He ended the schism of Hippolytus and reconciled the schismatics with the Church. He was the exited with Hippolytus by Emperor Maximinus Thrax to Sardinia and sentenced to work in the mines. I cannot even imagine a pope begin sentenced to work the mines! He abdicated the papacy on September 28, 235 so a new man could lead the Church. His remains were brought to Rome by Pope Saint Fabian and he was buried in the catacomb of Callistus.
Abdicated means to resign or renounce o clerical dignity. Abdication must be voluntary. Papal abdication should be made into the hands of the College of Cardinals, since they will elect the successor. The following popes abdicated:
- Benedict IX
- Celestine V
- Gregory VI
- Gregory XII
- Liberius
- Marcellinus
I will say it again....I would love to meet the pope!
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