I cannot believe I have been writing this blog for 70 days now. It has meant a lot to me and I hope I am have been able to touch some lives and bring others to learn about the lives of the saints.
Today I have chosen another saint from Spain and as I read more about saints from Spain the more excited I am getting about going there next summer for World Youth Day. From his youth, Saint Didacus loved the solitary life and when he was young he became a hermit. He supported himself by weaving mats. He became a Franciscan lay-brother in Arizafa. He did not have a formal education, but he looked for insights into the Christian life.
In 1442, he was sent as a missionary to the Canary Islands. Later he became the superior of the community at Fuertaventura. He was a great preacher and converted many by his preaching and example. In 1450, went to Rome for the canonization of Saint Bernardine of Siena. While he was there, an epidemic broke out among the Franciscans and Didacus worked very hard to help his brothers and miracles were reported that he cured the sick. He returned to Spain and spend the rest of his life in prayer in Alcala. He died there on November 12, 1463 of natural causes. He was 63 years old. He was canonized in 1588 by Pope Sixtus V.
He is the patron saint of lay Franciscan brother and of the Diocese of San Diego.
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