Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 49 -- Blessed Arnold Reche

Blessed Arnold Reche grew up in a poor family in a small village. He was born on September 2, 1838 and his birth name was Nicholas-Jules. He was one of 9 children. His father was extremely religious he Arnold grew up with strong values and a fear of sin. He was the only serious student in his catechism class and then he taught the younger children. His mother on the other hand, suffered from depression because of their impoverished situation.

When Nicholas became a young adult though he moved into a secular lifestyle. But his aunt convinced him to make some life changes and he attended classes by the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He returned to a live of active and intense prayer. He joined the LaSalle Brothers in 1862 and he took the name Brother Arnold. He made his final vows in 1871.

He treated the wounded in the Frano-Prussian War. He was a teacher, an outsandning teacher of the Christian doctrine. He then became the novice director, but with that move out of the classroom he felt like a failure. He died on October 23, 1890 after a cerebral hemorrhage. His grave site is known for its miracles. The Cause for his canonization began in 1938. He was beatified on November 1, 1987 and waiting for canonization.

"Granted, it is sometimes difficult to resist evil and remain virtuous. But with the grace of God that we obtain from prayer we can do anything. All we have to do is to will it."

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