Have you ever felt like you wanted to do something but just didn't know when it was the right time? I think maybe that is how today's saint may have felt. I know I feel like that sometimes, and I just don't know when I say yes to certain things.
Saint Francis Borgia had 8 children and after his wife died he wanted to join the Jesuits. He waited until his children were grown and he left his estate to his eldest son. He joined the Order in 1548 and was ordained in 1551; he was a great preacher. He went on missions to Portugal, Florida (USA), Spain, and Peru. He was a friend and advisor of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. In 15665 he was elected general of the Society and he edited the rules, founded novitiates, created the Roman province, founded the Society in Poland, and established colleges in France. He worked closely with Pope Pius V and Saint Charles Borromeo to further the renaissance of Catholicism.
He was born in 1510 as Francisco de Borja y Aragon in Italy and he is related to Pope Alexander VI. He is the patron saint against earthquakes. He died on September 30, 1572 in Italy. He was canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X and in 1901 his relics were transferred to the Jesuit church in Madrid.
"We must perform all our works in God and refer them to his glory so that they will be permanent and stable. Everyone - whether kings, nobles, tradesmen or peasants - must do all things for the glory of God and under the inspiration of Christ’s example."
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