How many languages can you speak? I know need to study my Spanish before World Youth Day! Our saint today, Eustochium, spoke Latin and Greek and was able read Sacred Scripture in Hebrew.
Have you also thought about your family? Imagine having your family members be saints too. Eustochium was the third of four daughters of Saint Paula of Rome and Roman senator Toxotius and her sister was Saint Blaesilla. Saint Eustochius of Tour might have been her nephew and further descendants may have included Saint Perpetuus and Saint Volusianus.
She was a student of Saint Jerome in 382. She traveled with her mother and Jerome to the Holy Land to help with the translation of the Vulgate Bible. She worked for Jerome as his housekeeper and did his reading and writing when his eyesight began to fail. Eustochium made a personal vow of perpetual virginity. St. Jerome wrote numerous letters to her for her spiritual advancement and instruction. Her mother died in the year 404 and she took over the spiritual direction of three women's communities which were formally guided by her mother. She died in 419 in Bethlehem.
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