Saint Clare of Assisi was born on July 16, 1194 in Assisi; her father was a count and her mother the countess is Blessed Orsolana. Her name means bright. Saint Clare heard Saint Francis of Assisi preach in the streets and Clare confided in him of her desire to live for God and they became close friends. With her cousin Pacifica, they ran away in the night and entered religious life.
She founded the Order of the Poor Ladies (Poor Clares) at San Damiano and led it for 40 years. When the Franciscans established themselves throughout Europe, there were also the Poor Clares. They depended solely on alms and had complete trust in God to provide. Eventually Clare's mother and sisters joined the order and there are still thousands of members living lives of silence and prayer. She was very humble, merciful and kind. She would get up in the middle of the night and tuck her sisters in who had kicked off their blankets.
She is the patron of television because when she was too ill to attend Mass, an image of the Mass would display on her cell wall. She died on August 11, 1253 and canonized on September 26, 1255. She is also the patron against eye diseases, for good weather, goldsmiths, and laundry workers.
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